Gato in Gafas

Gato in Gafas

Cat in Glasses and a Hat

Bandit the Papillon

Bandit the Papillon

Eight Dogs and One Queen Cat

Eight Dogs and One Queen Cat

36x36 on wood. Commissioned piece for the Alameda County Hall of Justice. 2019. Collage with vintage book pages and wallpapers, India ink and oil based inks.

Hugo the Frenchie

Hugo the Frenchie

Caniche means Poodle in Spanish

Caniche means Poodle in Spanish

Chihuahua in Chelsea

Chihuahua in Chelsea

Her name is Fanny.

Serious Cat in Velvet Hat

Serious Cat in Velvet Hat

Her hat is made from vintage flocked wallpaper from France. The very last scrap I had.

French Dalmation

French Dalmation